Almost every person living on the planet knows that exercise is necessary to keep a body healthy and active. Taekwondo is one of the most dynamic and highly physical forms of martial arts training. Taekwondo has a number of training levels and it becomes more physical and demanding as a person advances to the higher levels. A young adult can go through all the levels because of his flexible body but men over 40 years can’t cross a certain level of training because of their age. Age is the main determining factor of the extent of physical training. It isn’t likely to say that a person having an age of more than 40 can’t train himself with heavy exercise, surely he can but it will put his body under an immense danger of getting damage due to heavy exercise.

Body of a person starts getting weakened once he crosses the age of 40. Whole body workout is necessary to develop and maintain muscles of all the body parts. Flexibility along with agility is achieved in this way. Mental training is also very important along with strength training. All these factors are equally important for a person to have a healthy body. Adults with age of more than 40 years can have a healthy body through martial arts training but there are certain classes for them to do so. Very heavy exercise can cause damage to the already weak musculature.

Training for adults over 40 essentially demands proper knowledge and usually these people don’t have it. They think that training too hard is the best way to maintain and strengthen their body, which isn’t correct. Adults over 40 years start very hard exercises and they don’t listen to the demands of their body. There are some people who feel enormous amount of pain because of heavy exercises but they consider it a necessary evil for a strong body. This isn’t correct as this pain is usually an indication of muscle damage.

If you are an adult with an age of more than 40 years then the most suitable way for you is to find a training centre where instructors have knowledge to deal with adults. It will be better if at that training center, you find a chance to train with adults of your age group.

Markku Parviainen
Taekwondo coach